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Taking care of your flowers is essential to keep them looking their best for longer. 

  1. Unwrap the flowers and trim stems 1/2-1” at an angle using shears or a sharpknife for a clean cut.

  2. Put flowers in a clean vase filled halfway with fresh water. Add flower food to reduce bacteria growth.

  3. To ensure the water stays clean, remove any leaves or foliage from the stems that fall under the waterline.

  4. Refresh water and trim stems every 1-2 days. Monitor water level andtop up when necessary.

  5. Keep flowers away from direct sunlight or heat. Avoid placing near ripening fruits or vegetables.

  6. Keep your blooms fresh longer by promptly removing wilted bloomsand leaves as they occur.

Cleaning: Avoid wetting the flower heads; promptly remove petals with gray mold to prevent spreading to other blooms.

Rejuvenation: Trim the roots at an angle and submerge the flower heads no more than 10cm above the water level for 4-6 hours to revitalize the flowers.

Pruning: Eliminate surplus leaves, leaving 2-3 intact.

Maintenance: Trim roots at an angle, maintain water levels at one-third capacity, supplement with nutrients, and trim roots every two days. For optimal care, roses prefer water at the base; replenish with purified water as needed.

Note: When arranging in a vase, provide ample space between each rose's flower head and roots for air circulation. Avoid direct sunlight, keep away from air vents, and steer clear of fruits that may hasten flower ripening.

Jazzup your day with flowers
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